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All you need to know about the Digital Nomad Visa in Spain

Commonly referred to as ‚digital nomads‘ are workers who telecommute from anywhere in the world. It is to this group of workers that Law 28/2022, of 21st December, on the promotion of the ecosystem of emerging companies – known as the Start-up Law – refers to, which, among other matters, regulates the new visa in Spain for these professionals.

The entry into force of this Law aims to recover and bring new international talent to Spain, favouring the establishment of remote workers and digital nomads.

From Imont Legal & Taxes we summarise everything you need to know about this new Digital Nomad Visa.

Specifically, the Digital Nomads Visa will allow workers and professionals from third countries (Non-EU) who telework remotely to reside in Spain. It can be applied for by: employees who work for a company not located in Spain that allows them to travel and telecommute from another country; and self-employed professionals who work for companies located outside Spain (at least 80%) and can accredit their working qualifications.

Applicants must also meet the following requirements in order to obtain this visa:

  • Companies that have an employment or professional relationship with the applicant must prove that they have been in existence for at least one year and that they are located outside Spain.
  • Applicants working or providing services in the aforementioned companies must demonstrate that they have worked for them for at least three months prior to the application, and that they are authorised to telecommute and reside in Spain.
  • In addition, professionals providing services must have a university degree, vocational training or at least 3 years‘ experience on the job.
  • For both workers and professionals: No criminal record, private medical insurance, and proof of sufficient financial means in the amount of €29,000 per person (+ €7,200 for each additional family member) by the year 2023.

The Digital Nomad Visa offers the following advantages to its holders:

  • It can be applied for from the home country, or directly from Spain.
  • The deadline for a decision is only 20 days and in the absence of a response, it will be understood to have been granted.
  • Allows residence for three years, with the possibility of extension to 5 years, and counts towards possible future permanent residence.
  • Allows unrestricted mobility throughout the EU.
  • Great tax benefit as it allows the holder to make use of a special regime whereby, in the event that the worker or professional has not resided in Spain for the last 5 years (instead of 10, as established by the general rule); taxes will be paid at a rate of 24% on the total income, instead of a progressive rate that can reach up to 47%. In addition, Digital Nomad Visa holders will be able to defer tax payments for the first two years without paying interest.

If you think you meet the requirements established by the Law, do not hesitate and contact Imont Legal to start the process of your application as soon as possible.

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